To create and sustain a unique environment where the presence of God transforms lives through faith in Jesus Christ.
To participate in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by providing a God-honoring, Christ-centered atmosphere for retreats, conferences, and recreation.
8668 Pine Creek Road, Pine Valley, CA 91962
P.O. Box 400, Pine Valley, CA 91962
Every year, Pine Valley has the opportunity to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to thousands of people. Help impact eternity by partnering with us to reach a lost and dying world.
We believe in the power of prayer and we ask that you continually pray for the work that God is doing here at Pine Valley. Pray that lives would be changed for eternity, that God would prepare hearts, that he would continue to faithfully provide for our camp, and keep our campers safe.
It takes many generous people sacrificing with their finances to help make this camp possible.
If you would like to give financially please contact our office or make an online donation.
Have tools? Got time? Know a trade? Pine Valley Bible Conference Center is always in need of help with welding, carpentry, auto repair, and landscaping.
Please follow the link to fill out an application.
We publish a monthly newsletter to let you know what’s happening around camp, what’s coming up, and how you can support and pray for God’s work at Pine Valley.